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Długość filmu:02:00
Data dodania:2009-10-20 05:29:12

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Dodaj własny komentarz

Dodany przez: qbqklgt, 2012-10-27 03:35:13

FhuwHH <a href="">rpoeydyyswux</a>

Dodany przez: voinhfhzmtv, 2012-10-26 01:27:28

PvSxGD <a href="">hfjwmbyfgmnx</a>

Dodany przez: Glenda, 2012-10-25 09:23:11

The most recent poiitlc sex scandal is proof we are way to negative about sex.Sex between consenting adults whether for pay or free is a moral issue and shouldn't be a legal issue.The cops spend millions trying to bust women for charging for sex.The customers, usually male are seldom sent to jail.That proves we are like Iraq.Women are punished and men are forgiven.We need to grow up and keep the legal system out of our bedrooms.It is legal in Europe and Canada.Why do we fear and blame sex for all our problems ?

Dodany przez: xnhypihatix, 2012-08-13 20:46:27

WZsRjd , [url=]ynmggoncqpzx[/url], [link=]apltpfhfcbkb[/link],

Dodany przez: tgilntm, 2012-08-11 22:33:50

V2lSvv <a href="">gghvzqoauqvm</a>

Dodany przez: Alexis, 2012-08-11 22:01:40

I don't know about New Year resolutions, but I do know that a new year gives a new cnntaioment field. Past failings are relegated to 'last year', while 'this year' offers promise and hope. (Well, until we bugger everything up again!!)Inspired by your monigotes, this year I hope to sketch something every day. (The 3 Jan piece, with the additional scribblings, is very cool!)And since this is my first entry, can I tell you how much I dig your style. When I first saw it in Draw! magazine (the Illustrator tutorial issue) I freaked: it's bawdy, but so beautiful and measured. Muy bonita!Do you still have sketchbooks for sale? And do you ship Internationally? (I live in Australia.) I'd be interested in purchasing one. (Not an Australia, a sketchbook!)Well, all the best for '06!Oh, and you're right about the sex and marriage business...But there's always the flip side. At least we get some. *And* it comes without regrets, or the need for paper bags! :)

Dodany przez: Ramand, 2012-08-10 16:17:33

LOL!! I was being sarcastic, I don't plan my life that far ahead of time, and I never make lists, in ataltuicy, when an idea hits me I drop everthing and get it done (which is not always the practical thing to do) because I know tomorrow I'll be distracted by a different idea. I really don't need to make resolutions, I don't spend much time debating wheteher I should do something or not, if I feel passionate enough about something, it WILL get done, whatever the cost. There's nothing for me to quit because I'm not addicted to anything, whenever I notice in myself a pattern of behavior (good or bad) taking shape I stop abruptly and change course on the fly, not because I have a strong will but because I have a very short attention span. I have always felt that having a particular fetish and being addicted to any one drug or thing or whatever, is for the masses, of course, things are not that black & white and people have justifications and reasons for everything but I believe an artist should not be bound by addiction, it's too restrictive and boring, ultimately it all depends on the individual mindset but personally, I'd rather be free to explore and express everything, my life and my behavior are not much different than my artwork, the only exception being the commitment I have for my kids.I didn't say "have more sex with other people", you can always have sex with yourself, where's the harm in that? (besides hairy palms) I've been married to the same woman for 23 years and I have 2 kids, so I'm positive it will never happen, to have sex with strangers doesn't appeal to me in the least, I have to care for the person I'm with, otherwise it doesn't do anything for me, I tried going to a prostitute once when I was younger, that was a disaster. Sexual frustration is a very important part of my life, it fuels my anger and drive, is the engine that makes everything artistic possible, all that truncated passion and energy gets put to a good use: ART. Don't feel bad for me, I like it that way :)

Dodany przez: Kayli, 2012-08-10 09:41:27

It's like you're on a msiison to save me time and money!